Testosterone- Heart Attacks and Heart Disease
While research shows these drugs increase lean muscle development and sex drive in men, they are also linked to serious side effects. Heart attacks are at the center of these.
Recent research has linked testosterone to heart disease. Men are 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack or stroke within 90 days of starting testosterone replacement therapy. Younger men with pre-existing conditions could have as much as a three-fold increased risk of heart attack in the first 90 days of treatment.
Many Testosterone Replacement therapy drugs have been linked to an increase in heart attack and heart disease in men.
AndroGel 1.62%
If you have taken any of the previously listed drugs and have experienced heart attack, heart disease, or chest pain as a result of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, don’t hesitate to see if you are entitles to compensation. Act now before time runs out.